How long have you been working at JBFC?
"I’ve been working here more than 1 and a half years."
What is your work? And your responsibilities?
"I am a social worker. I am a link between the government and the organization, especially with Bibi Mimi’s Girls Home. Another duty is counseling the girls on the educational life and other situations that they have passed through. I support them so they know how to face these kinds of situations. Another duty is making a follow up to the academic performances of the girls. I also supply the needs of transitional girls and I make sure that they continue with other studies or they engage in any other activities that they choose/want/prefer for their life. I prepare seminars for girls like: health, career development, self-defense, etc. Another responsibility is having meetings with the matrons so that we discuss challenges they face and solve them."
What is the biggest challenge?
What do you like the most from your job?
"My favorite part of the job is counseling the girls because it is where you help a girl know how she is supposed to live so she can reach her goals. For example, one of the girls had qualifications to join advanced level education but she said: “I won’t be able to make it” so she preferred to go to college and finish her studies so she could start working soon. After talking to her, she understood that she was more than able to do it so she changed her mind and she joined a High School and for now, she’s doing very well!"
Have you seen any changes since you arrived? Which ones?
"Before my arrival, many girls didn’t know what to do to reach their goals. For example, if she wanted to become a businesswoman, what she is supposed to do. Now, we are able to prepare different seminars giving them different options and explaining how to reach those goals."
What are you looking forward in the future?
"When I reach 50 years I want to be able to look back and see that I’ve been able to help thousands of girls at JBFC."
Chief Operating Officer, Seth Diemond, says "With her work across various areas on our campus, Felista has been truly responsible for moving many of our programs forward over the past 18 months. She has developed a very close relationship with many of our girls and students and can often be seen getting huge, multiple hugs at a time, when she gets off her motorcycle in the morning! Thank you, Felista, for all that you do!"