Wednesday, December 18, 2013

JBFC's Green Thumbs

Here in the States, we pay a premium for farm to table cuisine at restaurants. In Tanzania, farm to table is simply a way of life. JBFC has a 35-acre farm, where we grow a variety of crops.

Thanks to the efforts of our Permaculture experts and partners - Mark Shepard, Sophie & EJ Oppenheimer - JBFC’s farm is more productive than ever before. We haven’t had to buy any produce in nearly two months. While our girls are on break from school, they’re exercising their green thumbs and helping to keep our campus in fresh produce.
The importance of our girls’ continuing education in this outdoor classroom can’t be stressed. The latest Tanzanian Economic Update released by the World Bank this month suggests that more than 4 Million Tanzanians live in extreme poverty “receiving barely enough food to survive.” The World Bank’s economic update says more than 80% of Tanzania’s poor live in rural areas, areas just like JBFC’s village of Kitongo.  

Encouraging education while teaching our girls innovative agriculture techniques will help them avoid the trappings of poverty that overwhelm so many people in our area.

And there’s nothing quite like seeing the success of growing something with their own two hands written all over their faces.

Farm Facts:

Area: 35 acres cultivated

Girl's Crops: Green peppers, hot peppers, basil, bananas, avocados, mulberry, tomatoes, carrots (just to name a few)

Last time we had to leave campus to buy produce: 2 months ago

Garden Duty: 2-3 times a week (when class is in session)